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Welcome to the reservation page for Pickering Public Library's Book Club Kits.

A Book Club Set is a canvas bag containing 12 copies of the same title along with book discussion questions. Some sets have an added large print, audiobook or DVD copy where available.Book Club Sets are checked out to the member of your book club who reserved the set. Sets are loaned for 6 weeks (no renewals). The person who checks out the Set is responsible for ensuring the return of the entire set.

You can find and reserve a kit in one of three ways:
1.Go to the list of all titles. 
-Click Go to see a list of titles
Select the kit you would like to reserve and click Reserve this Kit.
-Select the date you would like to pick up the kit and click the blue reserve link.   **NOTE**: if a date in the calendar is blank, the kit is unavailable on that date
-Enter your library card and PIN number
-Complete the Kit Reservation Form and click Reserve this Kit
-You will receive a confirmation email
-You will be notified when your kit is ready for pickup

2.Go directly to the title you want using the dropdown menu. 
-Select a Kit from the drop-down menu. Click Go.
-The calendar will indicate when the kit is in use and when it is available to reserve.  **NOTE**: if a date in the calendar is blank, the kit is unavailable on that date
-Select the date you would like to pick up the kit and click the blue reserve link
-Enter your library card and PIN number
-Complete the Kit Reservation Form and click Reserve this Kit
-You will receive a confirmation email
-You will be notified when your kit is ready for pickup

3.Select a month to see what's available for pickup on a specific date.
-Select the month you would like to reserve a kit. Click Go.
-Click on the day you want to pick up a kit to see which titles are available.  Then click on a title to reserve it.
-Enter your library card and PIN number
-Complete the Kit Reservation Form and click Reserve this Kit
-You will receive a confirmation email
-You will be notified when your kit is ready for pickup

You can track your reservations and cancel your reservations under My Kits section from the main page.

NOTE: If you have to get a new library card, please contact library staff as they will need to cancel your reservation under your old library card and re-reserve your kit with your new card.

If you have any questions about how to use the KitKeeper reservation system, please contact circ@pickeringlibrary.ca or call 905-831-6265 x. 6228. 
For more information on book club kits and resources for book clubs, go to www.pickeringlibrary.ca.